Segarra Lab WINS S.M.U.R.F. Olympics 2024 for their Second Annual Win
On September 9th 2024, the second annual Soft Money University Researchers of Fisheries Science (SMURF) Olympics was held between the Lewis Lab (OGFL), the Hammock Lab and the Segarra Lab. The three labs competed in a multi-sport competition to win bragging rights and the coveted golden trout trophy.

(Left) The hard-won trout trophy sits on Andrea’s desk at VetMed 3B.
(Right): The cornhole game finals where the Segarra Lab faced off against the Lewis Lab.

(Above): The Segarra Lab poses together after their 2024 SMURF Olympics win.

The sports line-up this year included croquet, soccer, cornhole, basketball, horseshoes, and kubb (a lawn game where teams try to knock over each other’s blocks and the king on a rectangular pitch). The Segarra lab cinched wins in soccer, horseshoes and kubb to tie with the Lewis Lab who won in cornhole, basketball and croquet. When the score was tied at the end of the day, Dr. Amelie Segarra secured a Segarra Lab win during a tie breaking game of rock-paper-scissors.

(Above and Left): Segarra Lab sweeping in both soccer games (both 3-0) against the Lewis Lab and Hammock Lab.
Soccer players pictured include: Andrea, Emmy and Florian
The Segarra Lab hopes to continue their winning streak in future Lab Olympics.
Louise Cominassi Presents at SEB Prague 2024
Post doc Louise Cominassi presented at the 2024 SEB Conference this past summer. Louise presented her amazing work on building a framework to understand the behavioral and physiological effects of DDE, bifenthrin and fipronil on juvenile Chinook Salmon. Way to go Louise!

Jackie Lang Presents at SETAC Europe 2024
PhD student Jackie Land presented this spring at the SETAC Europe conference. Jackie talked about the effect of 6PPD-Quinone, a toxic chemical formed when 6PPD in tires reacts with ozone in the air. Jackie’s presentation highlighted the effect of 6PPD Quinone on delta fish species of concern including delta smelt, Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, longfin smelt and steelhead trout. (Wow! What a list!)
Jackie Lang (1st) and Louise Cominassi (2nd) win IEP 2024 Best Presentation

At the 2024 Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) Conference, PhD student Jackie Lang won first place presentation with her work on the effect of tire wear particles on California fish species of interest. Post Doc Louise Cominassi followed up in second place with her presentation on the effect of pesticides on juvenile Chinook Salmon. Recordings of both presentations can be found on the IEP Playlist on the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s YouTube Channel. A huge congratulations to both of these wonderful researchers from the Segarra Lab!
Welcome Zoha!
Last week a new post doc, Zoha Siddiqua, joined the Segarra Lab! Zoha will be focusing on studying the effect of air pollutants on Zebrafish embryos. Click here to learn more!

Segarra Lab at NorCal SETAC 2023

Both Dylan Lin (undergraduate) and Jackie Lang (PhD Student) presenting their awards for winning NorCal SETAC Research Scholarships. Dylan also placed 3rd in the Student Poster Awards!

Jackie Lang (PhD student) as the keynote speaker, talks about 6PPD Quinone in the environment and her current study.

Andrea Chandler (Jr. Specialist) presents on a current Segarra Lab project on Chinook Salmon
Segarra Lab Wins First S.M.U.R.F. Olympics 2023
In June 2023, the first annual Soft Money University Researchers of Fisheries Science (SMURF) Olympics was held between the Lewis Lab (OGFL), the Hammock Lab and the Segarra Lab. The three labs competed in croquet, soccer and cornhole, with the Segarra Lab taking wins in croquet and soccer. In the end, the Segarra Lab took home the coveted golden trout.

(Above): Jackie and Andrea pose with the golden trout after cinching the Segarra Lab win with a harrowing croquet game.

(Right Top): Florian, Jackie and Andrea win the soccer finals against the Hammock Lab.
(Right Bottom): Andrea and Louise are unperturbed by their close cornhole loss against the Lewis Lab. Florian and Leo cheer them on from the sidelines.